Welcome to Gyan Sagar Academy


Man, as a child takes his first step towards learning at home, amidst his family. A child learns to express himself and to understand others; under the guidance of his mother, in homely environment.

Here, at this stage, the school appears as a medium to learn the facts of life and develop life skills to withstand the hardships of practical life. School shoulders the responsibility to shape the budding personality of a child. What is expected from a school to provide its students? Concept, Curriculum, Culture and Care!

We, at Gyan Sagar Academy, strive hard to provide a vital & vigorous schooling to our students. With the ‘Child’ being the centre of the education system, we make endeavours that he / she not only excels in academics but also possesses a versatile personality to receive global acceptance as an individual.

The essence of GSA lies in the collaborative efforts of the teachers, students & their parents to achieve the ultimate goal of the all round personality development of its students.